
6.3.1 – 08 Oct 2024

* Added new statistics on user profile page (Reset the ‘User Profile’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added new section for top rated seller (Reset the ‘Homepage – Loggedin’ page to its original content to get this improvement or use the following shortcode: [users_list level=3 users=4]) (

* Added username validation to disallow usernames containing only numbers
* Added level filter to search users page (Reset the ‘Search Users’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added left border for unread messages (

* Fixed message system for usernames starting with numbers
* Fixed missing vacation reason message
* Fixed message box when emoticons are disabled
* Fixed featured button appearance for single job page

6.3.0 – 01 Aug 2024

* Added free shipping icon for job cards (Jobster Design > Elements > Job > Job – Cards > Freee shipping icon)

* Added different colors for disabled sms & emails admin notifications
* Added post new buttons when there are no jobs/requests available (Example: search job/request page or category page)
* Updated Kadence Blocks – PRO Extension
* Updated Advanced Custom Fields

6.2.9 – 01 Jul 2024

* Added video upload for user portfolio (Jobster Settings > General Settings > User > Portfolio > Allow video upload)
* Added the ability to check and delete all inactive accounts (Users > Inactive Users)

* Added option to disable footer cards (Jobster Design > Footer > Cards > Display Cards)
* Added option to disable filters (Jobster Settings > Character Settings > Disable Filters)
* Updated Kadence Blocks – PRO Extension

* Fixed duplicated orders

6.2.8 – 01 May 2024

* Added different options for login and register reCAPTCHA
* Removed seller notifications list for buyer
* Added columns parameter to requests list shortcode (
Example: [request_posts_list columns=3], [request_search_posts columns=3]
* Updated Kadence Blocks – PRO Extension
* Updated ACF plugin
* Updated Revolution Slider plugin
* Updated Ads Pro plugin
* Updated Easy Social Share Buttons plugin

* Fixed elementor menu conflict
* Fixed mobile tooltips for post new pages
* Fixed tinyMCE characters count
* Fixed location for Page transition, Animation type
* Fixed duplicated order notifications
* Fixed duplicated orders
* Fixed skills added from order page – 25 Feb 2024

* Fixed search users sort
* Fixed authentication checkboxes – 15 Feb 2024

* Fixed default package title for mobile

6.2.7 – 15 Feb 2024

* Added different default sort option by type

* Fixed recently viewed image height for Safari
* Fixed next billing date for lifetime
* Updated Kadence Blocks – PRO Extension
* Fixed tabs height
* Fixed Kadence Blocks PRO notification
* Fixed duplicated orders
* Fixed default package price for mobile

6.2.6 – 20 Dec 2023

* Added option to enable WhatsApp messages for Twilio
* Added admin orders search by ID
* Updated Kadence Blocks – PRO Extension

* Fixed extras appearance when the price is 0
* Fixed mobile search
* Fixed seller account verification fields appearance
* Fixed search terms with apostrophe
* Fixed request notifications dropdown layout (Update WPJobster Seller Notifications to v3.0.4 & Reset the ‘Requests Notifications’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Fixed delivery days appearance when the option is disabled
* Fixed withdrawal confirmation when the user is not logged in
* Fixed quick responses for Firefox
* Fixed mobile package selection
* Fixed job link inside emails
* Fixed homepage search button alignment on Safari – 10 Nov 2023

* Added option to disable light-ajax for server with mod_security enabled

* Fixed job presentation page error
* Fixed empty category page error

6.2.5 – 01 Nov 2023

* Added multi-level support for Post new and job/request presentation pages
* Added up to 5 columns for header menus (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Main menu > Submenu style & Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Secondary menu > Submenu style)
* Added option to enable slide for job & request subcategories (Jobster Design > Elements > Job / Request > Subcategories listing > Display as slider)

* Fixed terms of service appearance on post new job page
* Fixed featured string translation
* Fixed WhatsApp functionality with Twilio
* Fixed All requests list
* Fixed file download for any type of server – 28 Sep 2023

* Fixed quick response functionality

6.2.4 – 27 Sep 2023

* Added email for withdrawal with confirmation (Admin > Notifications > Requests > Withdraw Request With Confirmation)
* Updated Kadence Blocks – PRO Extension
* Added multi-level support for All categories page, Search pages and Mobile menu
* Improved user account removal functionality (It doesn’t allow deleting the seller’s account if he has active orders)
* Added user transactions on admin user page

* Fixed admin search bar responsive layout
* Fixed audio upload
* Fixed messages notify when chat is deactivated
* Fixed cron page, timezone warning
* Fixed custom fields for packages
* Fixed location prompt deactivation
* Fixed reCaptcha functionality
* Fixed user conversations
* Fixed job / user description

6.2.3 – 18 Aug 2023

* Added option to show or hide the user level on job card (Jobster Design > Elements > Job > Job – Cards)
* Added option to change request description colour (Jobster Design > Elements > Request > Request presentation – Description)
* Added option to set the same date for start / end request date
* Updated ACF plugin
* Updated Revolution Slider plugin
* Updated Ads Pro plugin

* Fixed user search by location
* Fixed jobs listings
* Fixed flexible discount
* Fixed job sorting URL
* Fixed job images sorting
* Fixed transaction messages quick responses layout
* Fixed temporary save for job/request posting data – 08 Aug 2023

* Fixed job carousel layout
* Fixed job presentation page tablet layout (Reset the ‘Job’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Fixed fatal error related to mobile class
* Fixed pagination conflict with Kadence
* Fixed homepage pagination

6.2.2 – 06 Aug 2023

* Added cron disable functionality (Jobster Settings > General Settings > Cron)

* Added PHP 8 functionality
* Added order link to Proposals page
* Performance improvements

* Fixed Redux search position
* Fixed messages with posts (job or request)

6.2.1 – 29 Jun 2023

* Added shoutout offer (Reset the ‘Authentication – Register’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added tax by category (Jobster Settings > Pricing Settings > Fees > For Buyers – Tax)

* Added [request_proposals_number] shortcode to display the number of proposals received per request (Reset the ‘Request’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added option to set user stats progress bar to 0 for new accounts (Jobster Settings > General Settings > User > Stats)

* Fixed homepage responsive right margin
* Fixed changing colour for job description
* Fixed words filter for transaction messages
* Fixed admin cards upload
* Fixed request presentation page empty fields (Reset the ‘Request’ page to its original content to get this fix)

6.2.0 – 31 May 2023

* Added sort option for Search Users page (Reset the ‘Search Users’ page to its original content to get this improvement)

* Added user avatars to private transactions
* Added Continue button popup option (Jobster Settings > General Settings > Job > Continue button on Job page for Not Logged-in Users)

* Fixed admin review delete functionality
* Fixed auto-mark as delivered when the job is instant
* Fixed instant files for buyers, without page refresh
* Fixed carousel video player when multiple videos
* Fixed new line for reviews
* Fixed user skills endorsement
* Fixed option value when Redux is active
* Fixed hrs string
* Fixed responsive for private messages page (Reset the ‘Private Messages’ page to its original content to get this fix)
* Fixed Search Jobs page layout (Reset the ‘Search Jobs’ page to its original content to get this improvement)

6.1.9 – 20 Apr 2023

* Added jobs map overview shortcode and page (Entrepreneur License only)
* Added user search by skills (Reset the ‘Search Users’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added user level and status to job search filters

* Added WP 6.2 compatibility
* Added buyer reviews list
* Updated Kadence PRO plugin

* Fixed kadence layout for page change without refresh
* Fixed subscription price format
* Fixed apps registration
* Fixed blog/news post title length
* Fixed HTML characters for job description when is simple textarea
* Fixed payment button loading layout
* Fixed custom page redirect after registration
* Fixed site width option
* Fixed mobile tooltips
* Fixed tabs layout for post new job
* Fixed calendar popup position for mobile
* Fixed conversations opening
* Fixed user settings saved notification position
* Fixed admin level change emails
* Fixed front page layout (Reset the ‘Homepage’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Fixed responsive for post new pages (Reset the ‘Post new (job/request)’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Fixed user profile page layout (Reset the ‘User Profile’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Fixed job presentation page layout (Reset the ‘Job’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Fixed arrows layout for jobs and reviews carousels – 05 Mar 2023

* Fixed RTL carousel arrows position
* Fixed user status position on private messages page
* Fixed featured jobs order when RANDOM display is selected
* Fixed validation for audio mandatory on post new page
* Fixed user status layout on private messages page – 01 Mar 2023

* Fixed incompatibilities for Kadence 3.*
* Fixed featured interval error

6.1.8 – 21 Feb 2023

* Added delete user account functionality (Reset the ‘Settings’ page to its original content to get this improvement or add a button named ‘Delete account’ and set the ‘js-delete-user-account’ class to that button)
* Added PayU gateway
* Added Nets Easy gateway
* Added AliPay gateway

* Added option to add custom validation messages for required custom fields (add the following param to your shortcode: required=”Your validation message”)
* Added tabs support for homepage
* Send new message email only is user is offline
* Updated PayPal subscription credentials instructions

* Fixed upgrade/downgrade email sending when the level is changed by admin
* Fixed random order for jobs listing
* Fixed page reset functionality
* Fixed admin email links for jobs & requests (Add ##job_link## for New Job Not-Approved and ##request_link## for New Request Not-Approved emails)
* Fixed special characters for custom fields
* Fixed main job info details for mobile (Reset the ‘Job’ page to its original content to get this improvement or add [job_basic_details] shortcode before [job_payment_form display_location=mobile] shortcode)
* Fixed incomplete order reminder functionality
* Fixed job share panel position and layout
* Fixed ‘open in new tab’ option
* Fixed badge & subscription payment when balance is 0
* Fixed bank transfer details appearance for topup orders
* Fixed job search by location when browser prompt is enabled
* Fixed invoice shipping and billing details (Update Invoices to v3.0.8) – 18 Ian 2023

* Fixed incomplete order reminder functionality
* Fixed desktop search bar position
* Fixed admin description for logout item
* Fixed saving jobster design setting
* Fixed search functionality for job titles with apostrophes – 31 Dec 2022

* Fixed mobile horizontal layout
* Fixed multi-uploading images in job creation – 29 Dec 2022

* Updated ACF plugin
* Updated Revolution Slider plugin
* Updated Easy Social Share Buttons plugin
* Updated Ads Pro plugin

* Fixed authentication menu buttons layout and font
* Fixed job share prompt appearance
* Fixed admin subscription price updated email sending
* Fixed WYSIWYG scroll
* Fixed max file size error details
* Fixed bank transfer section appearance
* Fixed phone number country autodetect
* Fixed main menu typography
* Fixed clearing period when is 0
* Fixed suggested locations
* Fixed job cover upload – 27 Dec 2022

* Fixed saving Jobster Settings and Jobster Design

6.1.7 – 21 Dec 2022

* Added search for Jobster Settings & Design

* Performance improvements

* Fixed cursor jumping for pm page when another language than default is selected
* Fixed arbitration email details – 06 Dec 2022

* Fixed flag for Libya on the search users page
* Fixed Enable flags option
* Fixed console error for sites without a main menu
* Fixed user registration with any language other than default

6.1.6 – 01 Dec 2022

* Added option to change load more to pagination (Jobster Settings > General Settings > Display section > Posts load type)
* Added option to change pagination style (Jobster Design > Elements > Load More)

* Added compatibility with WP 6.1
* Added categories menu links color for the front page (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Menu links color – Frontpage)
* Updated flag for Libya
* Added new menu for buyer dropdown menu (Update Account Segregation to v3.0.7)
* Hide bank transfer details for sellers

* Fixed main menu layout when the Long menu arrows option is deactivated
* Fixed tab changing on page load
* Fixed multi-level menu layout
* Fixed packages custom fields
* Fixed admin withdrawal details for bank transfer
* Fixed fast delivery validation when price type is milestone
* Fixed job & request saving
* Fixed currency and language switcher for not logged-in users
* Fixed modal long words layout
* Fixed user search card layout with multiple badges
* Fixed order status messages for admin
* Fixed currency PHP warning
* Fixed withdrawal confirmation link functionality
* Fixed transactions decimals

6.1.5 – 01 Nov 2022

* Added option for regular header on front page (Jobster Design > Header > Header on Front page)
* Added icon to Design Map to identify the new added options (Jobster Design > Design Map)

* Added loader to payment buttons section
* Added Invoice for Sales & Shopping pages (Update to v3.0.7)
* Added validation for request deadline
* Added custom fields values for admin (Check Custom Fields section from job/request page)
* Updated Kadence Blocks Pro to 1.7.17 version
* Hide buyer instructions for unpaid orders
* Added option to enable header categories menu for not logged in users on Front page (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Main menu > Categories menu for not logged in users – Front page)
* Added option for header middle and bottom border on Front page (Jobster Design > Header > Middle border > Show header middle border on Front page and Jobster Design > Header > Bottom border > Show header bottom border on Front page)
* Added separate responsive sidebar menus for loggin-in and not logged-in users (Appearance > Menus > Authentication Menu and Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Mobile menu options)
* Added new shortcode for order closed date (
* Added option to import the content of any page into another page (Admin > Pages > Add or edit a page > Right sidebar > Scoll to the bottom of the sidebar > Import page content)

* Fixed admin mark as completed action
* Fixed buyer for admin orders
* Fixed buyer for admin review messages
* Fixed request notices
* Fixed job feedback layout for long words
* Fixed reset password functionality
* Fixed average for user rating
* Fixed saving tab notifications for admin
* Fixed user account graph info for buyers (Update Account Segregation to v3.0.6)
* Fixed active subscription removal when upgrade is cancelled

6.1.4 – 03 Oct 2022

* Added search form for user account pages (Reset the ‘Payments’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added CoinPayments gateway for v6 (Reset the ‘Settings’ page to its original content to get this improvement)

* Added messages list by message_id URL parameter (
* Added automatic delivery for instant orders when accepted
* Added loading disabled button after submitting the rating
* Added seller account to the Shopping orders list
* Added buyer account to the Sales orders list
* Added option to change the style for load more button (Jobster Design > Elements > User account > Load more button)
* Added button to save only current tab notifications for Admin Notifications Menu
* Disabled badge page for buyers
* Added delivered date info to Admin Orders
* Added featured period info to Admin Orders
* Added subscription next billing info to Admin Orders
* Added activate/deactivate job option for the author on the job presentation page (Reset the ‘Job’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added delete job option for the author on the job presentation page (Reset the ‘Job’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added feature job option for the author on the job presentation page (Reset the ‘Job’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added activate/deactivate request option for the author on the request presentation page (Reset the ‘Request’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added activate/deactivate request options for admin
* Added badges to admin orders
* Added invoice for badges
* Added badges to Payments > Transactions
* Added badges to payment gateways (Reset the ‘Badges’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added loading text for authentication buttons

* Fixed main menu colours
* Fixed emails content with apostrophes
* Fixed seller verification conditional fields
* Fixed admin price type dropdown values
* Fixed reports functionality
* Fixed email verification without login
* Fixed clearing period value
* Fixed extras when extras on the checkout page are disabled
* Fixed request modifications count
* Fixed news boxes shadow (Reset the ‘Homepage – Logged In’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Fixed user account sidebar statistics
* Fixed sort by default value – 06 Sep 2022

* Added option to move the card rating after title (Jobster Design > Elements > Job > Job cards style: Slider > Move rating after title) – useful for long usernames

* Fixed price type dropdown values
* Fixed cart multiple notifications
* Fixed Long menu arrows option – 02 Sep 2022

* Fixed delivery time functionality
* Fixed post new packages dropdowns layout – 01 Sep 2022

* Fixed access to links on click

6.1.3 – 01 Sep 2022

* Added ‘Search inside conversation’ functionality (Jobster Settings > Notify Settings > Features section > Search results number – Reset the ‘Private Messages’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added new card style: Clean (Jobster Design > Elements > Job > Job cards style) – v5 style

* Added option to set the number of author reviews displayed on the job presentation page (Jobster Settings > General Settings > Job > Reviews section > Author reviews number on job page)
* Added option to change the key format for Affiliate plugin (Update to v3.0.2)
* Added option to copy the generated URL for Affiliate plugin (Update to v3.0.3)
* Added option to change the buyer and seller labels for Account Segregation plugin (Update to v3.0.4)
* Added option to change the style for blog date (Jobster Design > Elements > Blog > Date)
* Added option to change the style for blog tags (Jobster Design > Elements > Blog > Tags)
* Added option to change the style for blog categories (Jobster Design > Elements > Blog > Categories)
* Added option to change the style for blog share icons (Jobster Design > Elements > Blog > Share icons)
* Added option to change the style for most popular categories (Jobster Design > Elements > Job > Job – Popular categories)
* Added option to change the style for job subcategories listing (Jobster Design > Elements > Job > Subcategories listing)
* Added option to change the style for request subcategories listing (Jobster Design > Elements > Request > Subcategories listing)
* Added option to change the style for user account graph (Jobster Design > Elements > User Account > Graph)
* Added option to change the style for user account sidebar (Jobster Design > Elements > User Account > Sidebar)
* Added admin users sortable field functionality for user level, email verified, phone verified and balance (Admin > Users > Click ‘Email Verified’ label)
* Added hover text and background colour for header search button (Jobster Design > Header > Search)
* Added support for sorting by reviews number
* Added option to add custom fields on the user registration page (the input name on the registration page must be the same as the input name on the user settings page; check this article:
* Added new layout options for mobile menus (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Mobile menu)
* Added option to change the style for header authentication buttons (Jobster Design > Header > Authentication Buttons)
* Added option to change selected package on page load (Jobster Settings > Payment Type > Job Purchase > Package selected on page load (Packages must be enabled to see the option))
* Added packages as tabs instead of sidebar dropdowns on the job presentation page (Reset the ‘Job’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added option to sort users by Registered date on the admin Users page
* Added option to enable scroll down button for messages page (Jobster Settings > Notify Settings > Features section and Jobster Design > Elements > Notify > Messages – Scroll down icon section)
* Added new options for header balance design (Jobster Design > Header > Balance)
* Added option to display the post new tooltip instructions for mobile and tablet devices (Jobster Settings > General Settings > Job (or Request) > Display responsive tooltip instructions)
* Added email/SMS reminder for orders pending payments that will expire soon (Admin > Notifications > Job Orders > Pending Payment Expires Soon)
* Added email/SMS reminder for buyers who reach the checkout page but do not complete the purchase (Admin > Notifications > Job Orders > Incomplete Order. Change the notify number from Jobster Settings > Notify Settings > Buyer cart notify number)
* Added admin settings map (Jobster Settings > Settings Map)
* Added admin design map (Jobster Design > Design Map)
* Added option to copy the order ID on click (Reset the ‘Order’ page to its original content to get this improvement)

* Fixed author order additional appearance for custom job (Reset the ‘Job’ page to its original content to get this fix)
* Fixed map appearance for custom job
* Fixed seller name for admin user reviews list
* Fixed long username for listing users and requests
* Fixed conflict with wpForo Forum plugin
* Fixed iPhone responsive menus
* Fixed Invoice seller details (Update Invoice to v3.0.5)
* Fixed responsive for private messages page (Reset the ‘Private Messages’ page to its original content to get this fix)
* Fixed auto-completed order – 01 Aug 2022


  • Fixed front page slider spaces

6.1.2 – 01 Aug 2022


  • Updated documentation for v6
  • Added option to choose when the clock on the transaction page should stop (Jobster Settings > General Settings > Order > Transaction Settings > Stop transaction clock)
  • Added option to enable or disable “Unresponsive” label
  • Added option to change the font for job description (Jobster Design > Elements > Job > Job Presentation Page – Description)
  • Added listing of tags based on current post type
  • Added option to hide category/subcategory description (Jobster Settings > General Settings > Job (or Request) > Categories section > Display category description)
  • Added active job exceeded info to user account page (Reset the ‘My Account’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
  • Added Reset the notifications to their original content functionality (Admin > Notifications > Reset buttons)
  • Added option to apply tax to processing fees only (Jobster Settings > Pricing Settings > Fees > For Buyers – Tax > Apply tax over)
  • Added option main menu items alignment (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Main menu > Submenu alignment)
  • Added helper buttons for support pages (Pages > My Tickets / Ticket / New Ticket > Edit > Template (right sidebar) > Support Template > Update)
  • Added option to activate 2FA by user if admin option is enabled (Reset the ‘User Settings’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
  • Added option for seller to choose if they want video as job thumbnail


  • Fixed words filter warning appearance
  • Fixed order abort buttons appearance when order is cancelled by admin
  • Fixed front page header fixed menu for not loggedin users
  • Fixed username length for user account sidebar
  • Fixed payment for free badges
  • Fixed tax by country
  • Fixed work sample slider arrow position
  • Fixed mixed avatars when is social media account
  • Fixed load more for categories page
  • Fixed duplicate authentication error messages

6.1.1 – 15 Jul 2022


  • Added multi-level support for secondary menus
  • Added new layout options for main menu (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Main menu)
  • Added new layout options for dropdown menu (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Dropdown menu)
  • Added new layout options for mobile menus (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Mobile menu)
  • Added layout options for secondary menus (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Secondary menu)
  • Added layout options for responsive search (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Mobile menu – Right sidebar)
  • Added TinyMCE for emails and moved the menu to Dashboard > Notifications
  • Added option to enable header categories menu for not logged in users (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Main menu > Categories menu for not logged in users)


  • Fixed uploader for mp4 files
  • Fixed job presentation tab name for packages
  • Fixed search user page layout
  • Fixed authentication redirect
  • Fixed logout URL
  • Fixed multiple attachments for transaction messages
  • Fixed AIO Support Center pages without refresh
  • Fixed Elementor conflict with authentication modals

6.1.0 – 05 Jul 2022


  • Customizable login, registration and forgot password page and modal (Admin > Pages)
  • Added option to change the URL for the login, registration and forgot password page
  • Added bulk actions button for requests (Reset the ‘My Requests’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
  • Added export system for user transactions (Disable the option from Jobster Settings > General Settings > User > Enable transactions export > No (Reset the ‘Payments’ page to its original content to get this improvement))


  • Added option to set footer columns in the same row (Jobster Design > Footer > All columns in the same row)
  • Added shortcode for custom fields type tag (
  • Added option to change the post new instructions box layout (Jobster Design > Elements > Job (or Request) > Instructions – Post new)
  • Added option to change the upload button layout (Jobster Design > Elements > Form > Upload Button)
  • Added defined values for language proficiency
  • Added sticky sidebar for job presentation page (Reset the ‘Job’ page to its original content (or go to sidebar column block > Sticky Settings > Enable ‘Make Sticky’ and set the Header Offset to 100px) to get this improvement)
  • Added option to disable user cover (Jobster Settings > General Settings > User > Images > Enable cover image for users)
  • Added load more for user conversations
  • Added Reset the menus to their original content functionality (Admin > Appearance > Menus > Reset WPJ Menus)
  • Added Reset the pages to their original content functionality (Admin > Pages > Reset WPJ Pages)
  • Added Reset the widgets to their original content functionality (Admin > Appearance > Widgets > Reset WPJ Widgets)


  • Fixed order notification boxes date
  • Fixed theme updater PHP 8 error
  • Fixed order notification messages
  • Fixed subscription for prices higher than 1000
  • Fixed request custom offer layout for not logged in users
  • Fixed homepage search arrow colour
  • Fixed phone number dropdown layout (Reset the ‘User Settings’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
  • Fixed formatted user biography on job page (Reset the ‘Job’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
  • Fixed RTL reCaptcha layout
  • Fixed RTL quick responses layout
  • Fixed RTL message box layout
  • Fixed RTL for user status on user profile page (Reset the ‘User Profile’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
  • Fixed RTL for currency switcher on checkout page (Reset the ‘Checkout’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
  • Fixed RTL for job price on order page (Reset the ‘Order’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
  • Fixed basic package selection for mobile
  • Fixed mobile layout for subscription upgrade and schedule (Reset the ‘Subscriptions’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
  • Fixed mobile layout for preview messages and notifications panels

6.0.9 – 01 Jun 2022


  • Added Redirects menu to Jobster Settings > Page Settings
  • Prevent payment when multiple clicks
  • Added the option to set float values for subscription


  • Fixed custom extra & tips credits payment
  • Fixed subscription cancellation
  • Fixed withdrawal amount error
  • Fixed PayPal withdrawal

6.0.8 – 30 May 2022



  • Fixed carousel arrows appearance

6.0.7 – 26 May 2022


  • Added timer to resend SMS action
  • Added option to display dropdown menu in one column (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Dropdown Menu > Menu style)
  • Added editable default currency for licenses without multi-currency feature
  • Added user reviews to Admin Messages menu
  • Added support for user, job and request custom fields


  • Fixed WYSIWYG layout
  • Fixed long word for card username
  • Fixed new line for quick responses

6.0.6 – 20 May 2022


  • Added process/cancel payment buttons for subscriptions
  • Added sms code field if the key is wrong


  • Fixed sortable for job images
  • Fixed invisible cursor for tags
  • Fixed instructions alignment for packages custom fields
  • Fixed autodraft requests appearance
  • Fixed requests details after load more
  • Fixed WYSIWYG height
  • Fixed TinyMCE editor
  • Fixed RTL order timer layout
  • Fixed automatically detection old version for user info

6.0.5 – 16 May 2022


  • Disabled fast delivery days have been added so that the seller can choose for fast delivery only a smaller number than the total number of days added to the milestone table.
  • Disabled fast delivery days have been added so that the seller can choose for fast delivery only a smaller number than the largest number of days added to the packages table.
  • Added user links to job presentation page (Reset the ‘Job’ page to its original content to get this improvement)


  • Fixed feedback page layout
  • Fixed job reviews list response
  • Fixed user reviews list response
  • Fixed page content reset for extension pages
  • Fixed badge payment
  • Fixed payment buttons on load for featured and subscription
  • Fixed price layout for featured and badges
  • Fixed job and request activation and deactivation functionality
  • Fixed featured functionality
  • Fixed work sample review layout
  • Fixed credits for negative balance
  • Fixed job link for video cards
  • Fixed processing fees and tax value for Extra tab
  • Fixed packages custom fields for edit job page
  • Fixed custom offer button appearance when job price type is custom
  • Fixed order timer appearance for packages
  • Fixed order header action button responsive visibility (Reset the ‘Order’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
  • Fixed featured invoice link
  • Fixed search for booking, milestone and packages jobs
  • Fixed automatically detection for user info
  • Fixed work sample thumbnail for job slider
  • Fixed emoji for transaction messages
  • Fixed empty labels for request presentation page (Reset the ‘Request’ page to its original content to get this improvement)

6.0.4 – 05 May 2022


  • Added discount compatibility (Update Discount plugin to 3.0)
  • Added option to change footer images for mobile applications (Jobster Design > Footer > Mobile application)
  • Update user credits without page refresh
  • Added option to replace mobile menu icons with images (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Mobile menu)
  • Added date to user reviews


  • Fixed job quantity price value
  • Fixed load more functionality

6.0.3 – 29 Apr 2022


  • Added invoice compatibility (Update Invoice plugin to 3.0)
  • Added category, order and jobs limit to job_posts_list shortcode (Example: [job_posts_list jobs=4 columns=4 order=random category=11])


  • Fixed arabic flag
  • Fixed subscription instructions
  • Fixed blog post content appearance
  • Fixed milestone plugin functionality (Reset the ‘Order’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
  • Fixed user reviews photo and name
  • Fixed job audio layout
  • Fixed checkout packages price
  • Fixed transactions items appearance
  • Fixed Dropzone errors appearance
  • Fixed Topup page title position (Reset the ‘TopUpOrder’ page to its original content to get this improvement)
  • Fixed avatar for job presentation page

6.0.2 – 18 Apr 2022


  • Added booking compatibility (Reset the ‘Order’ page to its original content to get this improvement)


  • Fixed page title conflict with Yoast
  • Fixed user profile contact button action
  • Fixed user profile avatar position
  • Fixed user contact layout
  • Fixed custom offer buttons appearance

6.0.1 – Apr 15th, 2022


  • Added customizable category icons for Homepage – Logged In (Reset the page to its original content to get this improvement)


  • Fixed 1updater plugin notification
  • Fixed job review stars alignment
  • Fixed free job functionality
  • Fixed WYSIWYG description for packages
  • Fixed job validation for instant delivery files
  • Fixed job share modal layout
  • Fixed admin tables width
  • Fixed job presentation page for PHP8
  • Fixed custom extra cancellation
  • Fixed for admin table layout

6.0.0 – April 12th, 2022


  • Added theme installation step-by-step
  • New design
  • New panel for theme settings
  • New panel for theme design settings
  • New options for header & footer design
  • Added a new type for chat sidebar: minimalist
  • Editable page content from builder (Gutenberg)
  • Page changing without refresh
  • All actions with AJAX
  • Performance improvements
  • Compatibility with cache plugins
  • Editable theme menus

5.8.5 – December 15th, 2021


  • Added ability to limit the number of active jobs for a seller


  • Added filters to email private message content & excerpt


  • Fixed Resolution Center menu disappearance
  • Fixed Load More button disappearance
  • Fixed various RTL issue

5.8.4 – November 5th, 2021



  • Added translation for ‘custom job’ words
  • Added additional verification for orders before entering the database to avoid multiple insertions


  • Fixed mobile homepage slider arrows
  • Fixed Two Factor Authentication
  • Fixed customizer options
  • Fixed user search for username containing a dot
  • Fixed withdrawal action for proposal page
  • Fixed orders for PHP 8
  • Fixed validation strings for post new job page
  • Fixed RTL phone number flag alignment

5.8.3 – August 10th, 2021 (



  • Updated WordPress Social Login to 3.0.8 version
  • AJAX private message conversations (no page refresh)


  • Fixed email sending for autodraft requests
  • Fixed order page messages
  • Fixed approve when default type is seller – update Account Segregation Plugin to 2.2.3 version

5.8.2 – July 1st, 2021 (



  • Updated ACF to 5.9.5 version
  • Added compatibility for PHP 8
  • Moved message attachments settings to admin Private Message settings page
  • Added option to set the number of unanswered orders until the ‘Unresponsive’ label appears


  • Fixed request user display type
  • Fixed user description
  • Fixed user sidebar list
  • Fixed package price type job on page load

5.8.1 – May 18th, 2021


  • Added support for milestones system through an external plugin / extension
  • Added option for 2FA on login & register (Admin > General Settings > User Settings > User login/register )


  • Prevent private messages from being sent multiple times
  • Added option to disable login hints (Admin > General Settings > User Settings > User login/register )
  • Added validation for user profile fields before saving
  • Added license details to Admin Information Menu


  • Fixed private messages emoji input on Firefox
  • Fixed duplicate notifications on the order page
  • Fixed message and notification tooltip position
  • Fixed chat sidebar users list order
  • Fixed packages mobile/pc layout

5.8.0 – Apr 8th, 2021



  • Prevent autodraft requests
  • Added compatibility with WP 5.7
  • Added crypto to exchange values


  • Fixed responsive proposal title
  • Fixed Brizy pages import
  • Fixed extra fast delivery number
  • Fixed tips and custom extra in Admin Summary
  • Fixed admin private messages search
  • Fixed file name with apostrophe
  • Fixed subscription name on responsive
  • Fixed flexible fees
  • Fixed order timer if the status is processing
  • Fixed audio for post new job page
  • Fixed favorite job on search page
  • Fixed special characters for user skills
  • Fixed duplicated order notifications
  • Fixed phone filter

5.7.3 – Feb 13th, 2021


  • Added a span with a class on user company string


  • Fixed Brizy demo content import
  • Fixed subscription emails shortcodes translation
  • Fixed payment types translations
  • Fixed user profile skills word break
  • Fixed request link in admin email

5.7.2 – Jan 26th, 2021




  • Fixed flexible fees user level
  • Fixed arbitration email details
  • Fixed featured admin report
  • Fixed responsive categories menu order
  • Fixed list view for job search page
  • Fixed blog posts category filter
  • Fixed vimeo player – December 31st, 2020


  • Fixed quick responses for RTL
  • Fixed price info when multiple is disabled
  • Fixed special characters for user skills
  • Fixed ‘Send message with Enter key’ – December 27th, 2020


  • Added payment gateway name translatable


  • Fixed quick responses when booking is disabled – December 22nd, 2020


  • Fixed job cover display on edit job page
  • Fixed HTML5 File Upload for job images and cover

5.7.1 – December 20th, 2020



  • Added compatibility with WP 5.6
  • Added work samples to Fiverr cards
  • Added emoji for transaction messages
  • Added complete expressions for translatable job validation messages
  • Added email/sms reminder for orders that will expire soon (
  • Added grouped chat messages when the time between two messages is less than 30 seconds
  • Improved theme performance (SQL)


  • Fixed emoji inside inbox page
  • Fixed job listing, slider type on responsive
  • Fixed overlapping autocomplete search box
  • Fixed user profile ‘Icons’ section
  • Fixed job description counter
  • Fixed chat height
  • Removed ‘WordPress’ word from authentication pages
  • Fixed job sorting filters
  • Fixed vimeo poster
  • Fixed post new job page for RTL mobile
  • Fixed rejected job description for mobile – November 12th, 2020


  • Added translation for order statuses


  • Fixed long word for skills
  • Fixed job name and job link for order emails
  • Fixed Brizy slider triangles
  • Fixed emoji inside message preview
  • Fixed sort by for jobs and requests
  • Fixed homepage search height – November 5th, 2020


  • Hiding ‘Posted Jobs’ for buyers
  • Added function_exists condition for messages and notifications panel


  • Fixed admin customizer

v5.7.0 – November 2nd, 2020




  • Fixed packages description position
  • Fixed work samples initialization
  • Fixed validation for custom price type
  • Fixed lazy load for tabs and chat
  • Fixed overlapping checkbox on RTL
  • Fixed user account graph
  • Fixed revolution slider for mobile
  • Fixed topup conversion
  • Fixed new request for not registered users
  • Fixed custom extra email details
  • Removed proposals page if custom offer disabled
  • Fixed user cover
  • Fixed missing letters for non-alphanumeric languages
  • Fixed skills for non-alphanumeric languages
  • Fixed site fee value for admin summary report
  • Fixed total sales value for admin summary report

v5.6.9 – September 25th, 2020



  • Fixed deleting images from users’ portfolios
  • Fixed deleting images from the admin panel
  • Fixed admin SMS settings page
  • Fixed break line for additional bank field
  • Fixed user avatar on order page
  • Fixed new user education option
  • Fixed WYSIWYG when the site has a bigger font
  • Fixed RTL icons from job page
  • Fixed buyer instruction display option
  • Fixed mobile menu on double click
  • Fixed duplicated jobs on user profile

v5.6.8 – September 15th, 2020


  • Added support for menu custom classes
  • Added option to change the colour for header language and currency selector
  • Added option to change footer logo
  • Added option to disable grayscale for footer logo


  • Fixed mobile header custom background color on scroll
  • Fixed post new job error when the category has no subcategories
  • Fixed extras and multiples on checkout page
  • Fixed custom offer purchase
  • Fixed user display form when first or last name is empty
  • Fixed badge image

v5.6.7 – September 4th, 2020


  • Added WP default search and compatibility with search plugins
  • Improved security for post new job page
  • Added translation for dropdown ‘No result found’


  • Fixed order page timer
  • Fixed header custom background color on scroll
  • Fixed reCaptcha
  • Fixed various RTL issues
  • Fixed featured payment
  • Fixed font for Login & Register page
  • Fixed header size when chat is active
  • Fixed instructions tooltip for Post New Job page
  • Fixed removing skills with multiple words

v5.6.6 – August 24th, 2020


  • Added option for displaying name publicly
  • Added option for site filters


  • Fixed saves on the user’s profile page
  • Fixed RTL for Slider Revolution
  • Fixed mobile header icons tooltip
  • Fixed post new job when only COD active and fee disabled

v5.6.5 – August 18th, 2020



  • Improved WP 5.5 compatibility
  • Updated Kirki plugin
  • Updated ACF plugin
  • Added more information about PayPal Withdrawal errors
  • Added more information about Featured purchase errors
  • Added map display for ‘Location’ custom field type
  • Added option to change the mobile header menu icons form and colour
  • Added user account menu to proposal page


  • Fixed submenu appearance
  • Fixed COD appearance when fee disabled
  • Fixed incompatibility between Newsletter and WP Better Email plugins

v5.6.4 – July 31st, 2020 (



  • Improved bulk job activation, deactivation and deletion
  • Added translation for reCaptcha
  • Added option to send message on transaction page when Enter key is pressed
  • Added filters for avatar min width and height values
  • Added backwards compatibility for old custom gateways
  • Added option for slider menu when too many items
  • Improved refund functionality
  • Added admin job edit link as parameter for emails
  • Added bulk and single job activation and deactivation for administrator
  • Added filters for active and inactive jobs for administrator
  • Improved Admin Users Page
  • Added option to mark user email and phone number as verified from admin panel
  • Improved payment errors UI
  • Added option to change the header icons form and colour
  • Added option to change the default user avatar and job image
  • Added option to change the badge and email verified icons
  • Added new statistics for user profile page


  • Fixed vertical center align for header icons
  • Fixed HTML5 Image Uploader
  • Fixed job long title word
  • Fixed user level translation
  • Fixed Let’s meet tooltip for mobile
  • Fixed feature ‘no gateway’ message
  • Fixed mobile submenu position
  • Fixed Payoneer activation option
  • Hide topup button if disabled
  • Fixed Fiverr cards video height when the layout is changed
  • Fixed responsive Fiverr cards image
  • Fixed responsive header custom background color
  • Fixed PayPal webhook URL
  • Fixed broken jobs row for Safari
  • Fixed job image sort functionality

v5.6.3 – June 22nd, 2020 (


  • Added Work Samples
  • Added democontent for Gutenberg WordPress


  • Added currency selector for bank transfer
  • Added ‘Edit job’ button if user is job author
  • Prevent SQL injection when submitting a review
  • Improved payment system (removed page refresh)
  • Added option to disable payment gateway only for job purchase
  • Added option to activate/deactivate/delete all jobs
  • Added option to change job permalink to author username


  • Fixed functionality of sort by for new installations
  • Fixed ‘price type rate’ string translation
  • Fixed ‘View all news’ button position
  • Fixed exchange system
  • Fixed featured hiding when is disabled from admin
  • Fixed category and location for search shortcodes
  • Fixed price type filter display
  • Fixed image path as image name in job image and cover
  • Fixed chat letter count
  • Fixed card description for list view
  • Fixed responsive for very old devices (300-320px wide)
  • Fixed custom offer expired email when offer accepted
  • Fixed Revolution Slider and Job Media tab for Firefox
  • Prevented multiple clicks on feedback submit
  • Fixed image removal for Android devices
  • Fixed filters for reported item

v5.6.2 – May 10th, 2020


  • Added Stripe Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) – update Stripe Plugin to 3.0


  • Improved admin pagination
  • Improved theme security
  • Improved user account table for mobile
  • Improved phone number filter
  • Improved messages and notifications preview
  • Added options for open exchange rates API (Admin Dashboard > Pricing Settings > Rates)
  • Added option to log in with email
  • Added option to send a message when Enter key is pressed
  • Added option to allow users to add social media links to their profile


  • Fixed user profile job section wrapper
  • Fixed user registration email as username
  • Fixed withdrawal amount value after error
  • Fixed jobs rating filter
  • Fixed load more button for Visual Composer

v5.6.1 – April 1st, 2020


  • Changing tabs when the browser back / forward button is pressed
  • Automatically convert PayPal unsupported currencies
  • Redirect to job page when video card image is pressed
  • Show formatted content for blog and news pages
  • Added gross and net earnings to user account table
  • Added max upload size value to admin upload options
  • Improved ‘list_site_users’ shortcode to display top rated sellers
  • Added admin and user option to display instructions on job page
  • Added ‘Performance’ section to Admin Customizer


  • Fixed ‘Completed jobs’ value on user search page
  • Fixed filters for blog and news pages
  • Fixed Yoast site map when qTranslate is active
  • Fixed seller username for job purchased email
  • Fixed audio player for posts
  • Fixed broken Job Cards
  • Fixed Admin Screen options
  • Fixed Site Timezone
  • Fixed Site Health critical errors
  • Fixed job slider for incorrect video link
  • Fixed Admin job price type
  • Fixed mobile list view for simple layout
  • Fixed admin reports values

For more information visit

v5.6.0 – February 26th, 2020


  • Fixed social network profile photo
  • Fixed order emails
  • Fixed reset password emails
  • Fixed email verification emails

v5.5.9 – February 25th, 2020


  • New job cards/thumbnails style (activable in Customizer -> Layout Options)
  • Added shortcodes for emails:
    • {job_listings}
    • {job_viewed_listings}
    • {job_checkout_viewed_listings}
    • {job_discount_listings} – update Discounts Plugin to 1.0.9


  • Added info for PayPal Withdrawal and Subscription credentials
  • Added nonce verification for post new job and request
  • Added extra checkboxes for single job page from admin
  • Added text filter in several places
  • Sort jobs by lowest and highest price
  • Added Character Limits Options for job package title and description
  • Added rating calculation for buyer profile
  • Added options for min number review for user and job rating calculation
  • Display the job title on the private messages page when it is sent from the job page
  • Added newsletter lists for buyer and seller – update Account Segregation Plugin to 2.1.7
  • Added gateway responses to admin order details


  • Fixed description field from post new job page in Firefox
  • Fixed extra dropdown from post new job page
  • Fixed job categories search
  • Fixed responsive min price from job search page
  • Fixed cropped single job images
  • Fixed job validation for IE
  • Fixed admin request deadline date
  • Fixed mobile hover for deletion of the image from the post new job page
  • Fixed image loading on jobs slider
  • Fixed skills name with special characters

For more information, visit the following link:

v5.5.8 – January 24th, 2020


  • Improved Automatic PayPal Withdrawal
  • Hidden badge icons when badge system disabled


  • Fixed broken cards thumbnail
  • Fixed minimum rating filter
  • Fixed load more button on latest Visual Composer
  • Fixed user description filter on the user search page
  • Fixed packages price for Favorites page

v5.5.7 – January 20th, 2020


  • Added total number views for each job


  • Sort jobs by the total number of job views
  • Added packages price type to admin pricing settings menu, job values tab
  • Added validation for the tagline field before being saved


  • Fixed subscription tab name size for mobile
  • Fixed custom fields for packages
  • Fixed date format
  • Fixed extra fast delivery when job price type is package

v5.5.6 – January 13th, 2020


  • Added report system for requests, users and messages


  • Improved job report system
  • Added option to allow HTML code inside emails
  • Added separated buttons for PayPal withdrawal methods (manual and automatic)
  • Added filter for languages list


  • Fixed user account graph values
  • Fixed pending payment for a few gateways
  • Fixed notifications counter
  • Fixed copyright year
  • Fixed job packages dropdown
  • Fixed PayPal manual withdrawal
  • Fixed load more users button position
  • Fixed subscription eligibility
  • Fixed subscription payment methods
  • Fixed message content when is send from request page
  • Fixed suggested jobs row on Safari
  • Fixed extra amounts position
  • Fixed email verification option
  • Fixed admin orders date format
  • Fixed category description raw HTML

v5.5.5 – December 18th, 2019


  • Added list for pending and completed topup orders
  • Added option to cancel or process topup orders
  • Added admin email about user withdrawal request
  • Added admin emails about exchange rates
  • Apply subscription feature if it gives you more than what your current level does


  • Fixed avatar from social network
  • Fixed ‘Mark all notifications as read’ button action
  • Fixed ‘No payment methods available’ notification message
  • Fixed minimum rating filter
  • Fixed distance position on job list view when ‘simple’ layout is enabled
  • Fixed custom offer decline and withdraw action
  • Fixes Site Health critical errors

v5.5.3 – November 4th, 2019



  • Added new attribute (end_days_no) to show_request_list shortcode to display requests ending in ‘end_days_no value’ days
  • Added new parameter to total_completed_jobs shortcode to display the completed sales or shopping orders
  • Added start date to user vacation feature
  • Added job price type to Sales and Shopping pages
  • Improved chatbox feedback section
  • Improved COD payment method (disabling the seller’s jobs if COD is the only payment method or hiding the COD button if the seller credits do not cover admin fees)
  • Improved homepage logged in search bar
  • Improved theme security


  • Removed pending payment orders from pending confirmation section
  • Removed chatbox message form when time expired
  • Fixed long job title on user account pages
  • Fixed various RTL issues
  • Fixed responsive chatbox timer

v5.5.2 – October 14th, 2019


  • Added option: Enable browser location prompt
    • asks user to allow geolocation
    • prefills location fields
    • displays distance on cards and user profile
    • adds sort by distance
  • Added option: Default sort by (auto, rating, distance, newest, oldest)
  • Added option: Location Autocomplete API (TomTom or Google)
  • Added minimum rating search filter


  • Improved site typography section
  • Improved subscription page UI/UX and responsive
  • Added background header colours to customizer
  • Improved theme security


  • Fixed sales page counter
  • Fixed lazy load for IE
  • Fixed instant delivery validation
  • Fixed price type filter from job search page
  • Fixed clearable dropdown to post new pages
  • Fixed user certification
  • Fixed completed jobs from user profile page
  • Fixed words filter
  • Fixed max size for message attachments

v5.5.1 – September 2nd, 2019



  • Added new types and attributes to job, request and user settings custom fields
  • Added new attr named ‘include_job’ to user_welcome_box shortcode to show post new service button
  • Added current password fields when a user try to change the password
  • Added admin emails about user subscriptions
  • Added redirect to last page when the user logs in or registers
  • Added new attributes to request list shortcode (category (id, slug or name), order (new, old or end), no (number of posts))
  • Improved theme security
  • Moved packages slider price type dropdown
  • Added possibility to add social media panel to blog and news pages


  • Fixed head menu icons
  • Fixed secondary menu when the theme is changed
  • Fixed order expired cancellation
  • Fixed message new line
  • Fixed categories menu for mobile
  • Fixed search bar corners for mobile
  • Fixed search by location from homepage
  • Fixed post new job page layout when job multiples are disabled
  • Fixed order feedback for iPad
  • Fixed responsive social media panel
  • Fixed displayed messages when clicking load more
  • Fixed user profile page title
  • Fixed all categories page info
  • Fixed login/register popup when editing the page
  • Fixed mobile apps gateways return path
  • Fixed post new job subcategory input
  • Fixed pending order cancellation
  • Fixed features settings for extras

v5.5.0 – July 16th, 2019


  • Added support for user ban system (also includes user violations record) through an external plugin
  • Added seller order rejection


  • Added option to allow comments on blog and news pages
  • Added option to Media Settings to insert width and height value for image sizes
  • Added option to set ‘0’ value to user level and subscription
  • Added request subcategory as separated dropdown
  • Keep theme parent customizer settings when the child is activated


  • Fixed secondary menu (LTR and RTL)
  • Fixed hover link colour
  • Fixed ‘custom rate’ string translation
  • Fixed ‘100% secure’ string translation
  • Fixed social share position
  • Fixed compatibility with TinyMCE
  • Fixed user reputation style
  • Fixed custom offer price for admin
  • Fixed filter validation text
  • Fixed single job video thumbnail
  • Fixed watermark when it is disabled

v5.4.8 – June 12th, 2019


  • Added image watermark system


  • Added messages for avg. response time and recent delivery when no data to display
  • Added list/grid switch view on job categories, search by category, user profile and tags pages
  • Added new chat toggle design and possibility to style from customizer
  • Added filters for the main menu from the header
  • Added gravatar when the user doesn’t have an uploaded avatar
  • Added site width option
  • Moved Layout Settings to Customizer
  • Replaced mobile menu images with Semantic UI icons
  • Added menu on two columns option
  • Added option to create a job without price
  • Improved subscription page
  • Added filters for password reset link
  • Added customizer chat colours for unread messages
  • Improved chat performance


  • Fixed chat responsive sidebar head background colour
  • Fixed glitchy mobile menu for RTL
  • Fixed submenu from dropdown menu added from admin
  • Fixed total spent amount value
  • Fixed login using google when reCaptcha is enabled
  • Fixed login using LinkedIn if the application is new
  • Fixed Vimeo thumbnail on cards
  • Fixed social media jump on single job page
  • Fixed removing the user from the sidebar when no conversation
  • Fixed chat sound when the user does not exist anymore
  • Fixed carousel play icon when a slide is changed
  • Fixed wrong messages displaying on single request page
  • Fixed responsive footer for tablets
  • Fixed requests paragraphs
  • Fixed user profile username ends in ‘s’
  • Fixed chat redirects for Safari
  • Fixed redirects while editing the page with a known page builder

v5.4.7 – May 15th, 2019


  • Loader improved for chat message boxes
  • Added option to disable the scroll to top button
  • Added option to remove a user from sidebar (until a new message is sent or received)
  • Added option to customizer to disable the 3rd group of users from the sidebar
  • Added option to minimize the chat sidebar
  • Added a small sound when a message is received


  • Fixed user contact button when the chat system is disabled
  • Fixed tips and packages
  • Fixed custom offer shortcode
  • Fixed admin timezone
  • Fixed notifications button for mobile

v5.4.6 – May 8th, 2019


  • Added user chat system


  • Added location to job cards
  • Added email notifications for dispute system
  • Added notification number for disputes to admin menu
  • Added option to abort arbitration
  • Added option to go back to category page when on subcategory page
  • Added preview window for unread messages


  • Fixed long username display
  • Fixed hide password option
  • Fixed various translation issues
  • Fixed text color for textarea on new ticket page
  • Fixed PHP7 fatal error
  • Fixed subscription permalink
  • Fixed homepage search by location
  • Fixed level upgrade value in email
  • Fixed responsive for visual composer pages
  • Fixed current year for user certification and education

v5.4.4 – March 27th, 2019


  • Added dispute  / resolution center


  • Added loading text to subscriptions, user balances, badges and levels button when update value is in process
  • Added the possibility to use the theme if the license field is empty or the license is expired
  • Added emails for both users when a buyer cancels the order because the delivery has been delayed
  • Added ‘support’ label next to the username when an admin posts a message to order page
  • Improved design for timer when order is late


  • Fixed request date validation

v5.4.3 – March 18th, 2019


  • Added option to restrict location search by country
  • Added option for default location search radius


  • Fixed admin email and SMS settings
  • Fixed level commissions table
  • Fixed RTL modals position
  • Fixed RTL country icon

v5.4.2 – March 14th, 2019


  • Added possibility to change cards icons from Options page
  • Added new price limits for user level and subscription
  • Added option for admin to insert optimization code in htaccess file (speed optimization)
  • Improved loading speed by minifying the styles and scripts
  • Improved user tagline


  • Fixed responsive footer arrows
  • Fixed various translation issues
  • Fixed footer currency direction when is open
  • Fixed feature page
  • Fixed location autofill
  • Fixed user level and user subscription
  • Fixed buyer instructions
  • Fixed subscription for mobile
  • Fixed phone number validation
  • Fixed user status
  • Fixed title overlap with grid switch
  • Fixed request edit from admin
  • Fixed vimeo image on order page
  • Fixed total spent amount for new users
  • Fixed user timezone on order page
  • Fixed description extra counter

v5.4.1 – Feb 25th, 2019


  • Added max ‘days to deliver’ to edit job page from admin
  • New arrangement/design of the footer section
  • New shortcode for categories list: [wpj_list_categories taxonomy=job_cat show_childs=0 hide_empty=0]


  • Fixed topup payments
  • Fixed live notifications
  • Fixed request delete action
  • Fixed job location autofill

v5.4.0 – Feb 20th, 2019


  • iOS and Android native/hybrid apps
  • Added Brizy Page Builder support and demo content
  • Added WYSIWYG as type for custom fields


  • Improved front-end and mobile responsiveness
  • Listed all subscription features to purchase subscription page


  • Fixed deformed YouTube thumbnails or nopic placeholders
  • Fixed deformed my-account thumbnails
  • Fixed request deletion
  • Fixed location for request search
  • Fixed user profile description
  • Fixed user profile translations
  • Fixed extra when currency is changed from checkout page
  • Fixed various iOS issues
  • Fixed graph info for COD payments
  • Fixed autoscroll down for order page

v5.3.8 – Dec 14th, 2018


  • Fixed PayPal pending order after WP 5.0.1 update
  • Fixed job image deletion from admin


  • Added autocomplete slug for custom fields

v5.3.7 – Dec 11th, 2018


  • Improved WP 5.0 Gutenberg compatibility
  • Added a better required plugins management tool
  • Improved onboarding experience and demo content import
  • Improved translations setup experience
  • Added cachebuster for updated login/register scripts


  • Fixed YouTube image for old videos
  • Fixed user profile SQL errors
  • Fixed multiple calendar inputs issues

v5.3.6 – Dec 3rd, 2018


  • Added confirmation message after a request has been posted
  • Added username filter for user profile page
  • Added contact button filter for request page
  • Added buy now button action filter for single job page
  • Added filters for custom offer fields
  • Added the username of the user who registered by referral link
  • Allowed custom pages when locked to my account
  • Allowed any character for skill name
  • Extended number of letters accepted for domain when email is verified
  • Store anonymous request draft and publish after login/register


  • Fixed black YouTube image on page load
  • Fixed file name with apostrophe from order messages
  • Fixed job custom field label
  • Fixed double login for admin on HTTPS
  • Fixed PayPal order cancellation
  • Fixed blacklisted words filter
  • Fixed instant delivery icon appearance
  • Fixed let’s meet icon appearance
  • Fixed duplicated emails when account segregation is active
  • Fixed subscription redirection link from mail after price is updated
  • Fixed news slider arrows
  • Fixed portfolio slider arrows
  • Fixed various RTL issues

v5.3.5 – Nov 15th, 2018


  • Added new request custom fields type: time, date, datetime
  • Added request multiple categories option
  • Added ‘read more’ option for job description
  • Added job multiple video option
  • Added existing tags list for request and job search
  • Added date filter to request search
  • Added option to search undefined date, budget and delivery for requests and jobs
  • Added option to disable all attachments from private messages, custom offers and custom extra
  • Added option to disable each page for featured jobs


  • Fixed custom offer send when user logout from another tab
  • Fixed tooltips place
  • Fixed style.css errors
  • Fixed exchange rated redirect link
  • Fixed admin order action redirect link

v5.3.4 – Nov 1st, 2018


  • Added rate system for job price – sellers are now able to specify hourly, daily, weekly and monthly rate, in addition to fixed price for a job/service.
  • Request page builder – administrators are now able to customize input fields for new service request submissions.


  • Added rejected fields for packages
  • Added max file size option for message attachments
  • Code cleanup


  • Fixed admin location autofill
  • Fixed RTL job list view
  • Fixed semantic ui icons for admin
  • Fixed multiples for order confirmation page
  • Fixed all categories page
  • Fixed tab corner image position
  • Fixed login page design

v5.3.2 – Oct 2nd, 2018


  • New admin dahsboard for orders and withdrawal requests


  • New fields for request: pick up and drop off location


  • Fixed payment currency issues
  • Fixed job draft listing in search or category
  • Fixed order page duplicated messages
  • Fixed max days option for post new/edit job page
  • Fixed number of extras for post new/edit job page
  • Fixed various RTL issues

v5.3.1 – Sep 18th, 2018


  • Payments security improvements
  • Added PHP version to Admin Information Menu
  • Improved admin section
  • Improved edit job page from admin
  • Added COD payment for custom extra
  • Slider for homepage cards (shortcode: [job_listings_4 type=”slider”])


  • Fixed order page when a review is deleted
  • Fixed orders in queue counter
  • Fixed search for jobs with packages
  • Fixed custom offer when user is not logged in
  • Fixed COD with instant delivery
  • Fixed user education and certification
  • Fixed orders in queue counter
  • Fixed “‘s removal” from user profile page
  • Fixed user level tooltip label
  • Fixed COD – default disabled

v5.3.0 – Sep 3rd, 2018


  • Added “tips” functionality – buyers are now able to tip sellers after a transaction. Additionally, configurable conditions have been added in the admin section based on the user levels and subcriptions (for example, only paid subscribers are able to send and/or receive tips; or, level 1 sellers cannot receive tips, only Level 2 & 3 sellers can receive tips).


  • Redesigned Post New/Edit Job Page
  • Added all payments type to Summary Settings page
  • Code cleanup


  • Fixed featured job payment
  • Fixed autofill location
  • Fixed max days range slider
  • Fixed order page filters
  • Fixed duplicated pm entry
  • Fixed payment response

v5.2.6 – Aug 9th, 2018


  • Fixed duplicated messages on inbox
  • Fixed all requests page

v5.2.5 – Aug 8th, 2018


  • Added support for discount system through an external plugin (will be released shortly)
  • New job cards/thumbnails style (activable in layout settings)


  • Added user Tax/VAT ID input
  • Updated new user profile page slug to “user”
  • Edit portfolio directly from your profile page
  • Improved overall user profile page design and optimized code
  • Slightly improved loading speed by stripping out scripts (work in progress)


  • Fixed various PHP7 warnings
  • Fixed user recent delivery
  • Fixed user average response time
  • Fixed deactivated job issue
  • Fixed sticky header scrolling
  • Fixed package price validation
  • Fixed various RTL issues
  • Fixed small responsive issues
  • Fixed layout for payment withdraw page
  • Fixed various translation issues
  • Fixed posts per page
  • Fixed unfeaturing jobs from admin
  • Fixed calendar
  • Fixed user subscription

v5.2.4 – Aug 3rd, 2018


  • PayPal IPN Security Fix

v5.2.3 – Jun 22nd, 2018


  • Added option for theme beta versions


  • HTML W3 compliance
  • Allow author to view pending reviews
  • Prevent users from inserting same skill multiple times


  • Fixed average response time for user profile
  • Fixed custom badges for user profile
  • Fixed blurry user profile pictures
  • Fixed last seen date
  • Fixed situation when purchase job was deactivated
  • Fixed some SQL errors
  • Fixed shortcodes output buffer issues
  • Fixed various translation issues
  • Fixed various CSS issues

v5.2.2 – Jun 14th, 2018


  • User profile page builder
  • Added TOS and Privacy Policy on registration page option


  • Improved checkboxes style on registration page
  • User account address fields internationalization
  • Added option for delivery time
  • Added option for site width
  • Added option for badges custom icon
  • Added option for min and max package price
  • Added job custom fields to admin job page
  • New shortcode: [buy_badge_button]


  • Fixed enable user country select option
  • Fixed an issue when top up could be credited multiple times
  • Fixed subcategory value on post new/edit job new version
  • Fixed disabled custom offer
  • Fixed custom offer checkout page
  • Fixed RTL reCaptcha

v5.2.1 – May 25th, 2018


  • Improved WP Social Login support (v2.3.3.2-wpj)
  • Hide subcategory if category has no children

v5.2.0 – May 23rd, 2018


  • Post/edit job page builder


  • Added option to set minimum extra amount
  • Added tags filter for search
  • Added WYSIWYG for package description
  • Hidden WhatsApp sharing button on desktop
  • Improved support page style for mobile
  • Improved further subcategory position in menu


  • Fixed job thumbnails and newsletter section for IE11
  • Fixed AISOC role for user registration
  • Fixed number of jobs displayed on different pages
  • Fixed header category menu on scroll
  • Fixed user profile cover image display issues
  • Fixed request and payment SMS shortcodes
  • Fixed mouse hover review stars
  • Fixed date translation for user profile and request pages
  • Fixed scroll bar issue when zooming the page
  • Fixed character count for job description

v5.1.1 – Apr 11th, 2018


  • Added option for changing extras and quantities on the checkout page
  • Added option to mark a job as featured from the admin dashboard
  • Added options for featured, let’s meet and instant delivery icons


  • Added transaction ID to admin transactions table
  • Added job and request preview for post author while it is under review
  • Added default text for subscription template emails
  • Added option for rating count on homepage cards
  • Added forgot password email template
  • Added filters on transaction page messages
  • Added tabs on mobile for job packages
  • Added Vimeo embed support for job video


  • Fixed calendar days order
  • Fixed some links unclickable in some conditions
  • Fixed subscription profile labels
  • Fixed login/register modal hooks
  • Fixed top up email message
  • Fixed newline count in the WYSIWYG editor
  • Fixed custom offer notification
  • Fixed featured job cancellation
  • Fixed homepage slider and login on IE11
  • Fixed Android modal width while menu is open
  • Fixed captcha login and register

v5.1.0 – Feb 15th, 2018


  • Added Job Packages
  • Added option for displaying last seen date on user profile page
  • Added option for reCaptcha on login & register
  • Added request custom offer button on user profile page
  • Added email confirmation for withdrawal request


  • Added support for upcoming escrow payment options
  • Added user rating with stars and count on single job page
  • Added function_exists condition to the cards function (job thumbnails can now be completely replaced/customized)
  • Added decimals support for custom offer price
  • Added mandatory phone number option during registration
  • Improved validation for job price
  • Improved support for emoji
  • Improved redirect from badge page to topup page if user balance is smaller than price
  • Improved user online/offline status option


  • Fixed duplicate SMS notifications for admin
  • Fixed font settings by updating Kirki
  • Fixed sales dashboard issues with small amounts and dateranges
  • Fixed duplicate reviews
  • Fixed Facebook register issue
  • Fixed jQuery issue for not logged in users
  • Fixed search filters breaking thumbnails on some installations
  • Fixed iOS 11 caret displacement on the login & register inputs
  • Fixed order in queue if the payment is not complete
  • Fixed payment gateway for custom extra report
  • Fixed pending payment for job purchase report
  • Fixed stripe amount on subscription page
  • Fixed various translations
  • Fixed list and grid views
  • Fixed user balances pagination in admin


v5.0.5 – Nov 28th, 2017


  • Added option for displaying other user level icons on thumbnails


  • Added new instructions fields for post new job and post new request request
  • Calendar using Semantic UI for all of the old date inputs
  • Improved custom offers modals performance
  • Removed deleted jobs from recently bought section
  • Removed pending jobs from my active jobs
  • Updated Kirki plugin
  • Updated ACF plugin


  • Fixed PayPal pending order issues
  • Fixed new line issue for job instructions
  • Fixed translations for calendar
  • Fixed blacklisted phone prefixes filter
  • Fixed uploader bug when wp-config.php is out of the installation folder
  • Fixed rating metadata for jobs added from wp-admin
  • Fixed MIME-types list which were breaking some downloads
  • Fixed blank error when registering with wrong email
  • Fixed search by location category inconsistencies
  • Fixed color options for WP 4.7
  • Fixed PHP warnings

v5.0.4 – Nov 14th, 2017


  • Added option for email verification requirement


  • Improved header menu style
  • Improved responsive sub-menu style
  • Improved All Categories page style


  • Fixed auto-load posts
  • Fixed theme icons when theme name is changed
  • Fixed PHP short_open_tag
  • Fixed user registered date
  • Fixed customizer plugin required notification
  • Fixed footer menu update from v4 to v5
  • Fixed Options and Custom Fields pages
  • Fixed small translation issues

v5.0.3 – Nov 9th, 2017


  • Renamed wpjobster theme folder
  • Fixed ACF on child theme
  • Fixed fatal error on demo content import

v5.0.2 – Nov 8th, 2017


  • Fixed jQuery undefined error

v5.0.1 – Nov 8th, 2017


  • Added validation for subscription icon
  • Added user status on search users page
  • Added filters for serch users and single job pages


  • Fixed fatal error on database update
  • Fixed Credits, COD and Bank Transfer payment gateway issues
  • Fixed part of the Visual Composer frontend editor issues
  • Fixed PNG file upload issues
  • Fixed multilevel top menu style
  • Fixed dropdown category on homepage search
  • Fixed translations for user drop down menu
  • Fixed wide logo overflowing for mobile devices
  • Fixed icon size on levels page
  • Fixed responsive menu issues for Android
  • Fixed footer for Internet Explorer 11 and below
  • Fixed homepage jobs display for Firefox

v5.0.0 – Nov 1st, 2017


  • Rebuilt and optimized the complete front end with Semantic UI
  • AJAX private messages and transaction page (no page refresh)
  • Modals for various actions throughout the theme
  • Transaction delivery countdown timer
  • User menu replacing categories while on /my account/ pages
  • Change package name option for subscription
  • Search and various other filters for requests
  • Grid/List switch for job listings
  • Scroll on top button
  • Allowed MIME-types settings
  • Page assignments settings


  • Improved theme file structure
  • Improved theme performance, especially frontend
  • Improved admin settings structure
  • Improved layout settings through wp customizer (more to come)
  • Improved quantity input (can be directly edited, besides +/-)
  • Links shared through messages are now clickable
  • User profile page can now be customized
  • Separated pending payment orders from active orders
  • When changing email address, verification is required again
  • Search users is ordering them by sales and rating
  • Footer sticks to the bottom of the page
  • With the account segregation plugin user search can be limited to sellers
  • Disable update notifications if needed: define(‘WPJ_DISABLE_UPDATES’, true);
  • Update job slug and title after editing the job


  • Fixed private file download for Android app

v4.1.7 – Aug 28th, 2017


  • Improved redirect after login
  • Added max delivery time option for custom offer
  • Added new error to prevent users from submitting subscription without selecting an option
  • Added request custom offer button for buyers


  • Fixed various payment issues
  • Fixed mandatory to upload pictures for jobs
  • Fixed issues for job multiples
  • Prevent not logged in users from accessing post new request page

v4.1.6 – Aug 22th, 2017


  • Implemented additional email templates/notifications related to Account Segregation, and reorganized email and SMS settings with an emphasis on user-friendliness
  • Added hooks for withdrawals
  • Subscriptions accept direct payments with 2Checkout and


  • Fixed PayPal pending order issues
  • Fixed subscription fees feature
  • Fixed submit review after error popup
  • Fixed several email templates
  • Fixed location radius search

v4.1.5 – Aug 1st, 2017


  • Minor styling fix

v4.1.4 – Jul 22th, 2017


  • Added instructions for 2Checkout payment gateway
  • Added payment collected log for custom extras
  • Included custom extras in pending incoming payments
  • Removed pending incoming payments when clearing is instant
  • Removed not delivered orders from pending incoming payments


  • Fixed response HTTP status for Ebanx payment gateway
  • Fixed various payments log inconsistencies and currency bugs

v4.1.3 – Jul 13th, 2017


  • WYSIWYG editor for job description
  • Automatically grab profile picture from the social login


  • Added admin email about pending bank transfer payments
  • Added translations for the payment methods
  • Added the transaction ID on the payments page
  • Added wp settings week starting day option to calendars
  • Added separator option for CSV export
  • Added company name to the live search
  • Added hooks for custom payment buttons
  • Allow decimals for featured job price
  • Removed disabled emails from user email settings
  • Removed duplicated job approval email
  • Removed paused jobs from user profile


  • Fixed disabled levels for subscription upgrade
  • Fixed private messages missing table issue
  • Fixed favorite jobs missing table issue
  • Fixed requests displaying the name instead of the username
  • Fixed post new request tooltips issues
  • Fixed google undefined JS error
  • Fixed RTL half star rating issue

v4.1.2 – Jul 5th, 2017


  • Lifetime subscriptions


  • Added active subscriptions list
  • Added counters for unapproved jobs and requests
  • Added delivery time range option
  • Added company field option
  • Added rejection reason for job attachments
  • Added custom offer reviews to the job page
  • Added configurable limits for extra fast and additional revision multiples
  • Added filter for job purchase gateways buttons
  • Added hooks for external SMS gateways
  • Added hooks for gateways custom messages
  • Added 0 delivery days in admin for instant jobs
  • Added let’s meet for requests
  • Improved the live search ux
  • Included fees and taxes on total spent
  • Prevented multiple clicks on mark as delivered
  • Prevented multiple clicks on feedback submit
  • Prevented users from selecting earlier request end date
  • Prevented users from using lower budget to range
  • Removed job quantity when no multiples
  • Removed processing fees when not applicable
  • Removed the payment type prefix from PayPal order details


  • Fixed unclickable +/- for multiples
  • Fixed various PHP errors
  • Fixed subscription page links
  • Fixed search user page translations
  • Fixed social registration fields issues
  • Fixed job preview issues
  • Fixed long description display issues
  • Fixed inconsistency on request owner buttons
  • Fixed country flag for user search
  • Fixed search shortcode style for Safari
  • Fixed user reviews pagination in admin

v4.1.1 – May 24th, 2017


  • Search for requests
  • New shortcode: [advanced-search]
  • Allow users to change their email address


  • Removed a few plugins and included their functionality in the theme
  • Removed deprecated options
  • Removed the current job from other jobs by
  • Improved payment status update when returning from PayPal
  • Improved location search radius calculation
  • Improved IP location detection
  • Added per level enable/disable options for extra fast and additional revision
  • Added more labels for PayPal gateway settings
  • Added total spent on the shopping page
  • Added subcategories in alphabetical order
  • Added instructions for post new request page
  • Added the delivery time for each extra on job page
  • Added admin notification when a job or request was edited
  • Added request title generated from description if empty
  • Added more hooks through the theme


  • Fixed Stripe duplicate payment when hitting the back button
  • Fixed user type field position for account segregation
  • Fixed expected delivery with extra fast
  • Fixed file uploader issues for profile image
  • Fixed default country flag issues
  • Fixed private messages special characters
  • Fixed report job title special characters
  • Fixed custom offer title in transactions
  • Fixed my ratings sender name
  • Fixed subscriptions transaction log issues
  • Fixed empty job preview container
  • Fixed javascript cache issues
  • Fixed timezone in admin settings
  • Fixed cover image style for blog and news
  • Fixed some number formatting issues
  • Fixed date format for sales report
  • Fixed sales report translations
  • Fixed small CSS and responsive issues
  • Fixed small RTL issues

v4.1.0 – Apr 25th, 2017


  • Sales Reports for admin with CSV export
  • Extra fast delivery
  • Additional revisions
  • User portfolio
  • User page wysiwyg editor


  • Live notifications performance improvements
  • Subscriptions accept direct paymetns with PayPal and Stripe
  • Stripe checkout multuple languages
  • Stripe save credit card info
  • Default user country for register
  • Default user timezone by country
  • Added custom offer input limits
  • Unique user phone numbers
  • Jobs need at least 3 ratings in order to display stars
  • Option to lock user to my account until email verified


  • Fixed https font issues
  • Fixed https issues for thumbnails uploaded during http
  • Fixed profile picture ratio in some cases
  • Fixed emails for requests issues
  • Removed unused YouTube fields from admin
  • Fixed small translation issues
  • Fixed small CSS and RTL issues
  • Fixed country detection issues for some servers
  • Fixed break rows after 80 chars on emails
  • Fixed sort by rating
  • Fixed PayPal checkout text encoding

v4.0.5 – Mar 20th, 2017


  • Order my account jobs by date instead of id


  • Fixed PHP7 incompatibility
  • Fixed layout on transaction page when viewed by an admin

v4.0.4 – Mar 18th, 2017


  • Invoices extension
  • Custom extras
  • Job preview (public downloads)
  • Dedicated post new request page


  • Added the hooks to the transaction page for the invoices plugin
  • Added load more to new pages and improved it on the other pages
  • Subscription user type upgrade feature (works with account segregation)
  • Subscription levels can be disabled
  • Made order id obfuscator function pluggable
  • Merged level settings into user levels admin page
  • Made timezone select labels translatable
  • Added new error to prevent users from posting wrong youtube urls
  • Styled the social login buttons for all of the networks
  • Removed the 0 processing fee label if it is disabled


  • Fixed random jobs displaying duplicated entries on load more
  • Fixed lock to my account until phone number verified
  • Fixed job name not updated when paying with Stripe
  • Fixed hash issues with 2Checkout
  • Fixed missing qTranslate language switchers
  • Fixed HTML encoding issues with AIO Support Center emails
  • Fixed the IP detection function
  • Fixed seveal PHP notices and warnings
  • Fixed a few translation issues
  • Fixed small CSS issues

v4.0.3 – Feb 20th, 2017


  • Affiliate Extension
  • User email settings
  • Jobster menu to admin bar
  • Prefix selector for phone numbers


  • Added necessary hooks for Jobster affiliate plugin
  • Phone number option for static register page
  • Centralized site fees options
  • Filter job and user profile descriptions by blacklisted words
  • Added tabs to my account page
  • Added option for automatically cancelling pending orders
  • Improved backend options
  • Order posted jobs by date


  • Fixed duplicated posts when random is enabled
  • Fixed upload background button on user profile page
  • Fixed missing thumbnails on the search page
  • Fixed reviews not displaying sometimes
  • Payment gateway fixes
  • Responsive style fixes
  • Translations fixes
  • RTL style fixes


v4.0.2 – Feb 2nd, 2017


  • Report job feature
  • Display job instant delivery files for admin


  • Search users page initial query, load more, style, prioritize by sales
  • Added pagination to several jobster admin pages
  • Updated mark payment completed emails


  • Fixed missing initial transaction message
  • Fixed submit feedback issues for non-latin languages
  • Fixed live tax and fees calculation for buy buttons and total
  • Fixed secure downloads for instant job
  • Fixed register redirection
  • Fixed Twilio SMS gateway errors
  • Fixed delete buttons from admin private messages
  • Fixed notifications page checkboxes style
  • Fixed instant delivery input style
  • Fixed revolution slider buttons style

v4.0.1 – Jan 25th, 2017


  • Added live search suggestions, including user search
  • Added user editable timezones
  • Added file uploader option for requests
  • Added mark notifications as read
  • Added description on category pages


  • Allow other file types on post/edit job pages
  • Added ‘wpjobster_run_on_transaction_page’ hook to transaction page
  • Added total on pay for featured page
  • Added option for need to have at least one posted job limit
  • Added options for displaying budget and max delivery days on requests
  • Moved options for requests on a different tab


  • Fixed transaction page broken after seller’s feedback
  • Fixed translations for Online/Offline
  • Fixed active tab in admin transactions
  • Fixed receiver column for admin transaction messages
  • Fixed styling issues on thumbnails for long job titles
  • Fixed footer styling on tag page
  • Fixed an issue when max number of pictures option was empty
  • Fixed several PHP notices and warnings
  • Hidden buyer process button for bank transfer transactions

v4.0.0 – Jan 17th, 2017


  • Gateways API v2
  • Any gateway now works with top-up and featured jobs
  • Allow line breaks on private messages and transaction messages
  • Allow admin to see any transaction page


  • Added PayPal loader when redirected to the site
  • Added PayPal IPN log for debugging
  • Removed pending and failed orders from the active tab
  • Removed notifications for pending orders
  • Make it clear for seller that the buyer has chosen to pay cash on delivery
  • Improved admin orders table labels
  • Improved WP Better Emails compatibility
  • Limited recent bought to jobs
  • Updated empty email templates


  • Fixed total price on transaction page for COD
  • Fixed reset password issues
  • Fixed long usernames, titles and categories
  • Fixed feedback message breaking after some special characters
  • Fixed duplicated emails about job purchases
  • Fixed displayed currency when clicking load more
  • Fixed small issues with vacation mode
  • Fixed admin quick edit job

v3.9.4 – Dec 29th, 2016


  • Vacation mode


  • Newlines on private messages and transaction messages
  • Included empty option to category select inputs
  • Allowed empty job price and consider it zero
  • Relabeled column headers in admin orders table
  • Changed the link for post new request on home logged-in
  • Phone number filter function can be redeclared in child theme
  • Prepared the theme for the upcoming “client invoices” plugin


  • Fixed Stripe payments bug for admin account
  • Fixed Stripe failed payment redirect
  • Fixed sending emails and updating status when editing job with quick edit
  • Fixed price position when using dropdown values on post new job
  • Fixed headings for the transaction messages table in admin
  • Fixed category subcategory sequence on job page for RTL
  • Fixed job_name shortcode for SMS templates
  • Fixed characters counter initialization when loading the edit job page
  • Fixed email notification for new purchases when admin marks transaction as paid
  • Fixed wrong subcategories list displayed on edit job page
  • Fixed title tag repeated with Yoast SEO plugin
  • Fixed featured job label displayed twice on thumbnail

v3.9.3 – Dec 12th, 2016


  • New shortcode displaying jobs from a certain category: [list_jobs]
  • Created post new request page and added it in the user menu
  • Removed empty thumbnails from my requests page
  • Disabled pending purchase emails by default


  • Fixed PayPal pending order issues
  • Fixed expired license issues
  • Fixed requests shortcodes
  • Fixed PHP errors

v3.9.2 – Nov 28th, 2016


  • Fixed compatibility issues with PHP older than 5.5
  • Fixed custom offers purchase links
  • Fixed translations for free jobs

v3.9.1 – Nov 24th, 2016


  • Improved the multiple checkbox style
  • Improved the post/edit job pages for easier customization through child themes
  • Added default text for post/edit job pages tooltips
  • Removed deprecated code and fixed some HTML errors
  • Added unique IDs on the gateway links for easier targeting through CSS
  • Included default translations: ar, da, de, es, fr, pt, pt_BR, sk


  • Fixed custom offers purchase links
  • Fixed confirm password bug on Safari
  • Fixed logo position for the login/register pages


v3.9.0 – Nov 9th, 2016


  • Job multiples (or quantities)
  • Live notifications (without page refresh) for messages and orders
  • Budget and expected delivery fields for the requests


  • Reorganized user dropdown menu
  • Replaced the old dynamic thumbnail function with a new, performance oriented one
  • Improved Stripe checkout page on mobile devices
  • Improved Dropzone image uploader style
  • Added lazy loading to the job page slider for better performance
  • Added support for buyer/seller account segregation through an external plugin (only 1st part of the functionality completed)


  • Fixed login required bug on category and some other pages
  • Fixed user profile page meta data for social sharing with image
  • Fixed user avatar and several other image uploads when Amazon S3 offload is active
  • Fixed the issues with Emoji characters on regular UTF8 tables


v3.8.2 – Oct 14th, 2016


  • Integrated support for storing files and media on Amazon S3
  • Secure download links for private files shared on transactions or messages
  • Option to redirect to a custom page after registration


  • Better qTranslate-X compatibility
  • Responsive improvements


  • Fix the license activation on multisite networks
  • Fix the issue when you had to click activate license twice
  • Hidden the import demo content notice for old installations and made it dismissible


v3.8.1 – Oct 6th, 2016


  • Automatic setup/installation package
  • Demo content importer for new installations


  • Updated the default option for min price with 0 instead of empty
  • Display user phone number in wp-admin users
  • RTL for the user stats charts
  • Rewrote the code behind the shortcodes for better Visual Composer compatibility
  • Changed labels for default gateway success/failure pages to avoid confusion
  • Responsive fixes
  • Proper enqueue of the base font for better performance


  • Fix Free label visual bug for prices over 1k with thousands separators
  • Fix tooltip for dropdown price on the post new job page
  • Fix HTML emails if beter emails plugin not enabled
  • Fix tax/fees issues with pending orders
  • Fix search button style on iPad
  • Fix login/register text overflow when social login is not enabled
  • Fix category dropdowns and extras issues on some installations
  • Fix levels page content not displaying bug
  • Fix display of large category names on job & search pages
  • Fix WP & PHP Notices regarding deprecated functions

v3.8.0 – Sep 19th, 2016


  • Automatic theme updates – you’ve asked for it, and we’ve delivered. From this point on you will be able to update theme files automatically from within the admin section… woohoo 🙂
  • Free jobs – allow sellers to publish free services


  • Submit buttons style in Jobster settings


  • Fixed feedback response from seller
  • Fixed custom offers not being stored

v3.7.2 – Sep 8th, 2016


  • DropzoneJS Cover issues


  • Updated .pot file for translations

v3.7.1 – Sep 2nd, 2016


  • Bank Transfer payment gateway
  • Admin can mark the payment status as completed (usefull in situations when buyer is paying via bank wire as admin needs to manually confirm that the payment has been received)


  • Display payment gateway on the admin orders table


  • Fix refunds after cancellation
  • Fix notifications read mark

v3.7.0 – Aug 28th, 2016


  • Global translations folder compatibility. No longer do translation files need to be copied over after theme update.
  • New and improved default file uploader for job images: DropzoneJS
  • Expanded Requests functionality:  requests can now be managed by users on ‘my-requests’ page. Users are also able to review all of the offers received on a separate page.
  • Implemented Email notifications for requests
  • User profile pictures are now being displayed in admin side


  • Requests now have a single page displaying the offers
  • Old /request page can now be created using shortcodes
  • Pending orders can now be processed or cancelled
  • Display payment status on the admin orders table
  • Cover image can now be managed by admin
  • Improved static Login & Register pages (wp-login.php)
  • Job page and user profile page social sharing snippet with correct thumbnail
  • Removed depreciated theme options


  • Captcha by BestWebSoft v4.2.4 compatibility fix
  • Several PHP notices and warnings fixed
  • Messages page compatibility with PHP7
  • Braintree small issues fixed
  • COD payment gateway flow fixed
  • Fix fatal error on theme activation or db update for some servers
  • RTL style fixes
  • Fix custom color for slider register button
  • Strings

v3.6.2 – July 27th, 2016

  • Format Numbers for Tax & Fees
  • Transaction Status Label
  • PayPal Gateway response
  • Stripe Gateway response
  • Advanced Search Shortcode Responsive
  • Code cleanup


  • Fixed Tax & Fees for the new gateways methods
  • Fixed credits payment status and flow
  • Fixed redirect to transaction page after payment
  • Pending status when saving as draft from admin
  • Processing Fees < 1 not appearing on dropdown
  • Extras on the transaction page

v3.6.1 – July 20th, 2016


  • JS not working on some mobile devices

v3.6.0 – July 19th, 2016

  • Payment Gateway Plugin API is finally ready 🙂 We have restructured the complete code related to payment and order processing flow, which has tremendously simplified new/custom payment gateway integrations. For those who want to do their own integrations, sample plugin along with detailed instructions will be provided on request.
  • Migration from ACF4 to ACF5
  • Shortcode for Search bar on the slider [advanced-search-slider]
  • Debug mode: define(‘WP_JOBSTER_DEBUG’, true); (NOT recommended in production!)
  • Added pagination to the admin transactions page


  • Fixed PHP and WP deprecated functions
  • Improved compatibility with PHP7
  • Fixed some SQL errors
  • Removed old Jobster deprecated functions
  • RTL style fixes
  • Fixed minor inconsistencies in the admin settings
  • Fixed minor inconsistencies in the default email templates text
  • Braintree gateway fixes and default table creation
  • PerfectMoney gateway currency issues fix
  • Theme main color works now on checkboxes, select iputs and several other elements
  • Replaced theme color with green for success messages
  • Remove select placeholders from options list
  • User profile page works now for usernames with spaces
  • Fixed the scroll jump when the header gets sticky on top
  • Fixed missing job information on the transactions admin menu

v3.5.0 – May 18th, 2016

  • Visual Composer is now integrated and with it ability to design and customize all of the front-end pages without the need for CSS/PHP knowledge (drag and drop experience)
  • Charts for advanced user stats
  • Braintree Gateway
  • Cash on delivery payment option
  • Users can now Login with the email address
  • Added SMS notifications default english templates


  • Feedback response notification fix
  • Countries and languages from edit account page translatable
  • Fix blank logout page caused by latest WP update

v3.2.0 – April 28th, 2016

  • Created ‘all notifications’ page which now displays all of the user notifications
  • Improved notifications system
  • Implemented user online/offline status option
  • Added percentage option for processing fees
  • The request input is refilled automatically after login
  • Improved payment gateway functions
  • INIPay Gateway – BETA
  • Blockchain Gateway
  • PerfectMoney Gateway
  • Webpay Gateway


  • HTTPS for YouTube thumbnails
  • Category search filter bug
  • Character limits are working now with 0
  • Featured job dates bugs
  • Processing fee and tax included in total in shopping/sales pages
  • PHP Warnings/Notices fixes
  • Translation fixes
  • RTL styling fixes

v3.1.6 – March 28th, 2016

  • Tax % can now be defined based on the country of the buyer
  • Responsive menu works now with CSS3 transitions for improved performance


  • Fixed the price position on the thumbnails
  • Fixed the bug where orders couldn’t be inserted on databases with custom prefixes
  • Fixed side menu functionality and style for mobile devices
  • Fixed checkboxes display on mobile devices
  • Fixed job images display on mobile devices
  • Fixed feedback response input not displaying on the transaction page
  • Fixed the bug where admin couldn’t delete job images
  • Recently viewed jobs are now per user
  • Fixed some issues in Firefox related to long titles and descriptions
  • Fixed job thumbnails size on mobile devices
  • Fixed input focus styles and custom colors

v3.1.5 – March 18th, 2016

  • Updated the blog archive style and implemented a load more button
  • Updated default page template and added a new widget
  • Updated the colour of the links on the payments page, because clients reported they were not obvious enough
  • Updated the job page to display “instant” instead of “1 day” for instant jobs
  • Added a new icon to the instant jobs thumbnail
  • Updated all the numeric inputs in order to accept only numbers
  • Updated the youtube video in order to not show any related videos, annotations or info
  • Implemented Lazy load thumbnails option
  • Updated login/register plugin in order to autofocus the first input when popping up


  • Fixed the bug where the news archive was not working
  • Fixed the bug regarding the user level badge on the user profile page
  • Fixed the bug where the user profile picture was wrong on the job feedback section
  • Updated the style for the subscription icons
  • Fixed the bug on the advanced search, where delivery was set by default to 0 instead of 30
  • Updated the url encoding for the links sent in the emails, to prevent long ugly links for non-standard charsets
  • Fixed translation for the “Let’s Meet” label on the job thumbnails
  • Changed shipping price string from uppercase to regular caps
  • Updated the styling of the checkboxes and prices on the extra services lists
  • Fixed the bug where you could save a shipping price containing strings other than numbers only
  • Fixed the bug where you couldn’t save tax with value “0”, even if it was disabled
  • Fixed the bug where the YouTube video was not displaying when there was no image uploaded for the job
  • Fixed the bug where the YouTube video was not in center of it’s container on the responsive version of the site
  • Other RTL and general style fixes

v3.1 – March 4th, 2016

  • Implemented ability to define Sales Tax percentage (%) which will be charged to buyers on each transaction
  • Extended “Request Service” function with date, location and Google maps (Let’s meet)
  • Implemented Google Maps for Jobs with specified locations
  • Added the News post type in functions, disabled GD Post Types
  • Rearranged options in General Settings
  • Terms of Service can now be displayed in a separate box (container which can be scrolled) within a page


  • CSS Fixes
  • 404 Page responsive
  • Private Message not lost anymore if there is any error
  • Phone verification errors
  • Subscription Icon URL fixed
  • Transaction logs currency and translation fixes
  • Fixed several issues on the image uploader

v3.0 – February 1st, 2016

  • Implemented “Subscriptions” functionality which enables sellers to subscribe to a monthly payment which unlocks additional account benefits (lower commission fees, higher per transaction amount, additional extras, etc.).
  • Introduced ability to Top Up account balance. It enables users to purchase credits (increase account balance) without having to purchase a specific job, with admin set packages and lower commission.
  • Implemented ability for admins to set “Transaction processing fee” which is charged to buyers (i.e. buyers are charged $0.50 on each transaction)
  • Load More button for News page
  • Ability to Enable/Disable News Box on each page


  • Fixed the problem where certain transactions were not reflected in the Statistics Bar
  • Function which calculates dates for featured jobs made compatible with non-English websites/characters
  • Payment Gateways problem which was preventing live mode in certain cases
  • File Uploader for Private Messages lacking support of mp3/mp4 files
  • Several CSS Fixes
  • Several RTL Fixes

v2.8.0 – December 22nd, 2015

  • Implemented Statistics Bar for the Sellers (total money ‘Earned’, ‘Withdrawn’, ‘Used to Order Services’, ‘Pending Clearance’ and ‘Available Balance’), as well as for the Buyers ( total ‘Deposits & Revenues’, ‘Active Orders’, ‘Completed’, and ‘Current Balance’).
  • Redesigned Home Page for logged in users, and implement ‘Recently Viewed Jobs’ and ‘Recently Purchased Jobs’ in order to make the page more interactive and stimulate users to make additional purchases.
  • Redesigned the Job Display Grid to offer more intuitive and user friendly interface, as well as to be able to provide more exposure and promotion for ‘Top Rated Sellers” and ‘Featured’ jobs (offered as an Admin option in order to not interfere with the users who would like to keep the old Grid look).
  • Implemented Admin option to change main theme color as well as the secondary theme color. Make your marketplace unique 🙂 More design customization options to come in the future updates.


  • Payza Live bugix (Live payments were not working because the sandbox IPN handler was always used)
  • Fixed File Uploader Conflict with other plugins (Variables were declared before the wp-load.php inclusion so there were cases when some plugins were overwriting them)
  • Fixed instances where user avatars were not being displayed on feedback sections.
  • Search Radius fixed (query for radius, not just coordinates)
  • Changes done to show language and currency dropdown for mobile
  • Fixed situation where deleting one of the categories used for featured categories on the home page was breaking the homepage.

v2.7.0 – November 12th, 2015

  • Database Update function in Admin section
  • Increased number of extras to 10 with options to set maximum extras for each user level
  • All the feedback boxes are now using AJAX to load more feedback entries
  • Sellers can respond/reply to the Buyer’s feedback
  • Feedback box displayed on the User Profile page
  • Improved style of the User Profile page
  • Introduced Admin option for character limits of the textareas throughout the site
  • Improvements for the instant delivery file functionality
  • Allow decimals in job prices and extras
  • Option for thumbnails with video icon
  • Option for the Audio file size
  • Option to display requests on the homepage
  • Button to pay with the account balance instead of automatically charge
  • Exclude post types which should not be translated


  • Payza bug fix for when the buyer is closing the payment window before being redirected to the site
  • Updated Stripe gateway for zero-decimal currencies
  • Fixed a bug caused by Yoast SEO which prevented displaying error messages
  • Messages not sent fix when multiple pages were open
  • Admin menu save not redirecting to correct tab
  • Blurry thumbnails on the file uploader
  • Delete the temporary files after complete uploading
  • Thumbnail image size increased in order to display better on mobile devices
  • Register button not working when the social login buttons were not displayed

v2.7.1 – November 11th, 2015

  • PayPal semi-automatic withdrawal improvements
  • RTL Fixes and better CSS organization
  • CSS Fixes for Easy Social Share v3

v2.6.2 – October 9th, 2015

  • Added loading image to register button when registration is in process. Also disabled the Register button when process is going on.

v2.6.1 – October 2nd, 2015

  • Ability to force users to accept Terms & Conditions (checkbox) before posting a new service/job
  • Requests are now being displayed based on the category they were submitted to
  • Uploader Style Changes & Bugfixes

v2.6.1 – October 1st, 2015

  • Implemented new file uploader which can handle multiple images
  • Ability for the users to upload Job cover photo
  • Option to lock users on ‘my account’ page until phone number is verified
  • Revolution Slider overlay and buttons fix
  • Characters counter fix for newlines
  • Wrap edit job page in a function for use in childthemes
  • Include ACF in theme files
  • Location radius – users can filter jobs within xx amount of miles/kilometers from their location
  • Gateways security & bug fixes

v2.5.8 – September 23rd, 2015

  • Fixed textdomain translation issue
  • Delivery Time bugfix related to Instant Delivery function

v2.5.7 – September 22nd, 2015

  • Minor bugfixes on the ‘post new job’ page
  • Instant delivery feature implemented

v2.5.6 – September 12th, 2015

  • ALT Tags on stars images
  • Fixed bug when counting non-standard characters

v2.5.4 – September 5th, 2015

  • Audio Files Support implemented – users can now upload audio files on the job/service pages
  • Implemented ability to enable/define Tags for each job
  • Your users can now send out physical products as well as charge for shipping.

v2.5.2 – July 30th, 2015

  • SMS Number Confirmation – ability to enable mobile number verification during registration process – based on the Twilio SMS Gateway
  • PayPal semi-automatic withdrawal – select and process all of the withdrawal requests at once
  • Auto-scroll (auto-load) feature for pages that display job/service listings.

v2.5.0 – July 19th, 2015

  • SMS Notifications – enable SMS notifications for all of your users. There will be no more missed offer requests, private messages, job deliveries, etc.  Based on the Twilio SMS Gateway
  • Implemented clearing period (starts from the moment transaction is marked as completed) before the funds become available for withdrawal – Security feature to protect marketplace owners from chargebacks.
  • Several Bugfixes (CSS, RTL, Translations)

v2.4.8 – June 29th, 2015

  • Jobs Order on Homepage: Ascending, Descending, Random
  • Several PHP Bugfixes
  • Plugin compatibility updates
  • Ability to translate email notifications to be sent to users in the appropriate language.

v2.4.4 – June 2nd, 2015

  • Support all currencies from OpenExchangeRates
  • Email confirmation – each new users is prompted to confirm their email address. Once the email address is confirmed it is displayed on their profile “email confirmed” along with the icon.
  • IP geo-location to display content to users in the appropriate language.

v2.4.3 – May 15th, 2015

  • Instant job clear when clearing period set to “0”
  • UI improvements and bugfixes
  • Date internationalization through the theme – you can now select to display the date based on your geographic location and/or target market
  • Ability to leave comments to sellers when approving jobs as to reasons why the service has been denied. Especially useful when you would like to provide pointers to quality sellers.

v2.4.1 – May 4th, 2015

  • Featured Jobs – implemented ability for users to pay for a featured spot on the home/category/subcategory pages. Ability to set the price and time interval from the admin section
  • Responsive functionality added
  • Implemented several new Payment Gateways
  • Implemented filter for email addresses and URL’s in the messaging system as well as the transaction pages. Text for the warning message can be defined in the admin section. Additionally, you can create your own custom trigger words along with the warning messages.